Laser and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Energy and Light
laser treatments
We offer and provide at the highest degree all laser treatments and types of phototherapy for the following skin problems concerning the personal needs of our patients of any age and gender.
LLLT– Low-Level Light Laser Treatment
The LLLT Laser induces hair growth and helps rejuvenate the scalp in a completely pain-free way.
Red light treatment (LLLT) is a medication-free treatment using a laser, which suspends hair loss.
It is applied topically on the scalp using a special helmet.
The LLLT method:
- Stimulates cellular respiration
- Stimulates mitochondrial activity
- Improves blood microcirculation and tissue oxygenation
- Creates a favorable environment for hair follicle growth.
What does Laser Low Level do for hair loss?
Stimulates epidermal stem cells
Causes hair to shift from telogen (the phase of apoptosis of the hair’s cycle) to anagen (the phase of hair regrowth).
Clinical studies have shown that after an LLLT treatment the number of hairs per follicle unit is increased.
LLLT not only results in increasing the number of hairs but also increases them in diameter, notably in thickness.
LLLT’s efficiency in hair loss
According to existing scientific studies (e.g. Lasers in Medical Science, 2/2016), LLLT technology devices for hair loss are both safe and efficient in hair loss conditions in men and women where classical treatments are ineffective or not well-tolerated by certain people.
It is ideally recommended in combination with location-specific treatment at home and enhanced treatment at the clinic.
This means that, when we are not in maintenance phase but require quick results, we should combine it with Hair-Mesotherapie-, Stellcell- and or Platelet Reach Plasma,
In fact, a study carried out on the efficiency of an LLLT transmitting helmet (Lasers in Medical Science, 12/2018) has shown that the application of a treatment to 36 men and women for 24 weeks was effective in individuals suffering from androgenetic alopecia.
Side effects were mild.
Please keep in mind that laser devices (LLLT) for hair loss are also available for use at home.
However, since the wavelength and the frequency of LLLT use are important, as is an assessment of the condition by a doctor, it would be best to first seek the advice of a dermatologist specialising in scalp issues.
Not all technologies are suitable for everyone, and it is good to get a targeted and customised treatment.
The safety of laser low level in hair loss
The LLLT treatment process is safe, painless and non-invasive.
Low level laser treatments rejuvenate microcirculation topically, which:
Encourages hair follicles to grow hair
Extends their anagen phase.
The laser treatment for hair loss (LLLT) appears to be an effective treatment for hair growth both for men and women.
Laser treatment can be a solution suitable for anyone wishing to stop or perhaps reverse hair loss.
As with any treatment, the doctor may help you after examining and diagnosing the condition, and determine the combination of treatments required for each type of hair loss (alopecia).
Photodynamic therapy is a medical treatment that uses a photosensitizing agent (METVIX®) in a cream that becomes activated by red light exposure. The result is an activated oxygen molecule that can destroy nearby pathological cells resulting in selective tissue destruction. Precancerous cells and certain types of cancer cells can be treated this way. Photodynamic treatment is a reliable effective office-based treatment for the non-surgical treatment of field cancerization, superficial basal cell carcinoma, and Bowen’s disease. As a positive collateral effect, it helps improve discoloration as well as the overall texture and tone of the skin, making it a popular and effective option for those looking to improve the overall appearance of their skin.
Fractional Laser / Surgical CO2-Laser
We would all like our skin to remain youthful, without discoloration, wrinkles, and acne scars as we grow older.
The Fractional Laser CO2 provides us with a feasible, quick, and realistic solution for a face without discoloration, wrinkles, and acne scars.
Fractional laser CO2 is a milestone in the field of aesthetic medical technology. It is a revolutionary, non-invasive method whose results are immediate and astonishing. Its advanced technology in combination with the many parameters it has allows us to adjust the treatment according to the needs of each skin, choosing the right degree of penetration and the required intensity.
The laser beam acts deep inside the skin to remove damaged cells and stimulate fibroblasts to produce new collagen. With the fractional laser, the laser beams are divided into many thin beams and make a selective scan of the skin surface.
The Fractional Surgical-laser CO2 is an invasive laser whose action reaches the deepest layers of the skin and in a way activates the fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen and elastin while at the same time it makes a controlled, focused removal of the surface layers of the skin.
The result is smoother and clearer skin with fewer fine wrinkles and improved scars, firmer and younger looking. The number of sessions depends on the type of problem we are called to deal with and the specifics of each patient.
The treatment is applied after first applying locally an anesthetic cream, up to one hour before the treatment. After the end of the treatment, special masks reduce the burning sensation and the patient receives special instructions on how to properly care for his skin in the coming days.
The main goal is to reduce irritation-erythema, rapid regeneration, and proper sun protection.
It is the only laser that regenerates collagen and is ideal for the following cases:
- Facial Regeneration Treatment
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Treatment of Acne Scars, Postoperative/ Postburn Scars and Scars contractures
- Acne Treatment
- Tightening treatment
- Spots Treatment
- Melasma- Hyperpigmentation
- Stretch Marks Treatment
- Stretch Marks Treatment
Its use is suitable for any area of the body, especially the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. It is an ideal treatment for firmness and rejuvenation of the face-neck region and can be included in combination protocols with other anti-aging treatments such as botox, hyaluronic implants, PRP, etc.
Q-switched laser
The term Q-SWITCHED refers to the type of pulse generated by the laser. Unlike common laser pointers that generate a continuous laser beam, Q-switched lasers generate laser beam pulses that last only a billionth of a second. Because the energy from the laser is emitted in such a short time, the energy is concentrated in very strong pulses.
Powerful, short pulses have two main benefits:
First, they are powerful enough to crush tiny pieces of melanin or pigment, stimulate collagen production, or even kill fungi. The chromatic particles of melanin, now broken down into tiny pieces, are then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system.
Second, because the energy is only on the skin for nanoseconds, the surrounding tissue is not damaged. Only melanin is heated and destroyed, while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. The shortness of the pulse is what allows these lasers to remove tattoos (or excess melanin, or kill fungus) without any side effects.
Many applications depend on the wavelength of light they produce. There are different types of crystals within lasers that cause them to produce different wavelengths.
The most common type of rod used is Nd: YAG, which produces wavelengths of 1064 nm and 532 nm. This is the most popular type because it can handle a wide range of tattoo colors and is effective for many other applications as well.
Q-switched lasers have powerful, advanced technology that has many applications.
In which cases is its use appropriate?
- Removal of dark brown or black tattoos
- Dark spots (sunspots, scars, Ota Nevus, Nevus of Ito, freckles, moles, cafe-au-lait spots, etc.)
- Skin rejuvenation (increases collagen production to reverse the signs of aging)
The ND-Yag Laser emits at a frequency of 1064nm, the greatest penetration depth of any other Laser, and is more effective, with fewer sessions, even if the hair follicle is deeper within the skin.
The laser beam is selectively absorbed by the hair melanin without affecting the skin in the surrounding area.
But the most important thing is that ND-Yag is applied without any restriction from the skin phototype or the tan. This way we can treat hair growth, regardless of phototype and sun exposure, safely all months of the year.